1. Search some information about the company beforehand. Know its products and services, its profit margin, its management, its culture, its dress code, etc.
2. Do practice interviews or join workshops, mock interviews, or one-on-one coaching, which are offered by career services companies and Life Coaches.
3. Think how you can relate your experiences with the position you are applying for.
4. Allow plenty of time to get to the interview. Know how long it takes to get to the interview site. NEVER be late – also NEVER arrive more than 15 minutes early.
5. Plan your interview attire in advance and make sure your clothing is pressed, your shoes are shined, and your hair and nails are well groomed. It is hard to overdress for an interview.
6. Bring several copies of your resume together with your reference list.
7. Speak slowly and clearly when talking to your interviewer. Don’t be afraid to pause for a moment and collect your thoughts. Keep responses to 1-minute or less.
8. Be honest, but ALWAYS respond positively and frame your responses toward your strengths.
9. Be assertive. The company is taking your valuable time to find an appropriate candidate. They should have the professionalism to answer all your questions – ask … you may not get another opportunity.
10. Send a thank-you note or e-mail to all the people you meet during the interview within 24-hours.